are designed to represent the cumulative intent of all individuals at Prime, regardless of their income or personal circumstances, so everyone at Prime gets the same number of votes, regardless of how much money they’ve donated - or whether they’ve donated at all. The company does only three things - announce the charity drive, double the aggregate employee donation, and distribute the money to its intended recipients.
We practice intrinsic tangible altruism.
Twice a year, Prime organizes company-wide charity campaigns, traditionally for New Year’s and for June 1 (International Children's Day).
Every employee can propose a charitable cause related to the arts, education, or healthcare, as long as the recipient is not a religious or a political organization.
Individual participation is anonymous and, by extension, so are individual donation amounts.
When the list of causes is put up to a vote, every employee gets as many votes as there are proposed causes, which they can award to a cause or to several causes, in proportion to how strongly they feel about them.
Voting is anonymous.
The total amount collected for donation is matched by Prime at 100% and then distributed to the proposed causes in proportion to the votes each cause has received.
Prime’s charity initiatives
Since Prime was established in 2015, over €1M has been donated to various charitable causes.
We welcome the future because we shape it.
The world needs more engineers, and Prime is a strong advocate for quality IT education. As in other areas, when we feel strongly about something, we take action.
In 2017, a curriculum developed by Prime for software programming education at the high school level was approved by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science and is presently used by teachers in over 30 technical high schools.
Many of our experienced engineers are active members of the academic community and teach at universities and high schools.
In 2016, a curriculum designed by Prime for a Bachelor’s degree program in Applied Software Engineering was approved by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science and implemented at Veliko Tarnovo’s Sts. Kiril and Metodii University.
Prime has given scholarships to engineering students in several countries.

We rise to the occasion.
Altruism is in Prime’s DNA. We don’t restrict it to only pre-planned initiatives. We are ready to respond to whatever the needs of the “here and now”.
Some of our contributions:
Supporting major annual performing arts, design, and architecture festivals, exhibitions, and conferences of international cultural significance.
Financing an annual national hackathon for high-school students and their teachers.
Supporting multiple international sports events for children and young adults.
Donating technical equipment and software to schools and hospitals.
Sponsoring the annual “Plovdiv reads” initiative as well as the publication of numerous books.
Partnering with UNICEF to support children when they need it most.